Help Your Ideal Customers Get Control of Their Kitchen
We all watch a LOT of cooking competitions and you can turn your group into it's own little challenge. Walk your customers and clients through organizing and using what they have. There are so many fun ways to implement this package.
This done-for-you 5-day challenge is perfect for financial coaches (think saving money), lifestyle biz's, homeschoolers, and mom bloggers (most everyone) who wants to grow their online community.
Package includes:

We have this package broken down into 9 easy steps for you to use immediately. We will walk you right through implementing this so you can get to marketing.
Start with the In a Kitchen Rut? How to Rekindle Your Love of Cooking epic blog post (1103 words) to help your readers with organizing their kitchen right away.

The blog post is written to promote joining your challenge and picking up the bonus checklist & meal plan printable. It has a clear call to action.
We also created copy and images for you to quickly put up an opt in page for your community to learn more about the challenge and sign up. The bonus checklist & meal plan printable can be branded and set up as an instant download for your new subscribers.

3-D Cover (jpg & png)

Canva Template eCover

After they are on the list, continue to interact with them easily. We've created 6 autoresponders for you to load into your email platform. 1 to immediately welcome them into the challenge, deliver the bonuses, and give them some prework while they are wanting more info the most. Then there are 5 challenge day emails with homework.
6 Autoresponders

Schedule the 6 group posts, grab the permalinks for those scheduled posts and add them to the emails as you set them up in your program of choice. We've included Facebook & Instagram sized Canva templates for you to include on each group post.
Group Posts

Group Post Canva Templates

Of course, you will want to hit your favorite social media platform to promote the blog post and challenge opt in page. We've included social media images (jpg & psd) in Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook sizes.
Social Media Canva Templates

The final step is keeping your new community members engaged. We have tips, ideas and suggestions for how to do that!
Turn readers into engaged followers into buyers with this plan you can implement now.